Sunday, November 11, 2012

The heart attacks

 The task was to write a piece in about 250 words that an artist could sketch. 
Afternoon sun streaks coolly through spartan branches and falls onto gold and tan wind-tossed leaves. 
Martin sits in his sweaty jogging gear resting his back against the old grit bin and moving his arms and head to ward off the cramp.  The gravel path at his feet follows the course of an abandoned rail line, now a popular cycle and walkway.  Its deep cuttings and arced route are softened by trees, brambles and grasses fighting for life along its course.    Martin’s gaze is drawn back towards the train-sized mouth of the old stone bridge.  Sunlight glints off its moist façade and casts a deep shadow under its arch.  The heads and shoulders of a few cows plod over its arched crest and he guesses their movement was what drew his attention.  He relaxes and momentarily forgets his breathlessness as he observes their calm passage.
The last cow stops briefly in the middle of the bridge to peer over the edge and Martin’s gaze falls to notice a silvered figure standing under the arch, shielded in the deep shade.  A trick of light highlights long hair and her silken dress clings and drifts in a breeze that Martin can not feel from where he sits.  The girl is beautiful, alluring, the dress totally inappropriate for the cool day, and while she is illuminated in the shade of the bridge her brightness is not from the sun.  Beguiled, Martin rises and makes his way towards her entreaty, she opens her arms, an irresistible appeal to his well worn spirit.
(Then I found a photo of a cow on a sunny day on a bridge and changed the rail way to a canal and the season to early spring)

The early springtime sun streaks coolly through newly green branches and falls onto grasses and budding wildflowers.

Martin sits slumped in his sweaty running kit resting his back against the splintered old lock gate while moving his arms and head to relieve the cramp.  His favourite jogging route follows the course of a redundant tow path, now a popular cycle and walkway.  Its deep cuttings and banked route are softened by trees, brambles and grasses all growing lushly along its course.    Martin’s gaze is caught and drawn towards the wide mouth of the old stone bridge nearby.  Sunlight glints off its key-stoned façade and contrasts the deep shadows under the arch.  The heads and shoulders of a few cows plod over its crest of the bridge and he guesses their movement was what drew his attention.  He relaxes and momentarily forgets his breathlessness as he observes their calm passage.

The last cow stops briefly just past the middle to peer over the edge and Martin’s gaze falls to notice a silvered figure standing under the arch, shielded in the deep shade.  A beam of light highlights long hair and her silken dress clings and drifts in a breeze that Martin can not feel from where he sits.  The girl is beautiful, alluring, the gossamer cloth totally inappropriate for the cool day, she is enticingly illuminated but her brightness is not from the sun.  Beguiled, Martin rises and makes his way over, obeying her entreaty.  She opens her arms, an irresistible appeal to his well worn spirit.

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