Monday, November 15, 2010

60 Seconds

The task was to write anything that took 60 seconds to read

I don’t understand 60 seconds.

I have landed in a strange country
I don’t understand.
Everyone speaks my language but they speak it different. I hear people from the south trying to sound like the people from the north for fun.
I don’t understand.
Everyone chose their government but those who chose right and those who didn’t all say the government is no good.
I don’t understand.
Everyone is supposed to work but people get given government money not to work. If you don’t work and can spend all the money, the government will give you a house.
I don’t understand.
Everyone has free education to help build the country. But if you want to be better educated you have to pay the government debt.
I don’t understand.
Everyone from a commonwealth country is a friend and ally but they are not allowed to live or to work for long in this country. Hated enemies from past wars are free to come and go and stay.
I don’t understand.
Everyone knows of someone who was killed in a foreign war and everyone knows it is bad to kill. But everyone loves people who died while killing foreign people and everyone here stands still to praise them for 60 seconds every year.
I don’t understand.

(c) GregW 12/11/2010

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